I hope all of you are doing well, staying healthy and safe, and most of all staying positive! This is one crazy year! Just remember, we are always here if you need anything at all!
We were finally ready meet in person in September, with a virtual option to allow members join us both ways. It was different but nice to see members who do not live close to the temple join us. We honored our Past Queens for all their support, love, advice, kindness, etc. The list could truly go on for pages of this newsletter! Thank you, Past Queens, for all you do for the members and our temple. We are truly blessed to have you!
We also celebrated our 50-year members! Jean Rickard, PQ, was at the meeting to accept her 50-year pin and Stepping Stones to Happiness. Our other 50-year members who were mailed their pins are Carol McCormick, PQ (who was present via Zoom), Beverly Besing, Joyce Schmitt, Doris Unsel, and Emma Lou Woods.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Nile 101 class on Sept. 23. Everyone learned something new! We were able to have the Isis Temple Family Picnic on Sept. 27, at Audubon Park. We had a nice turnout and some great food! Thank you to all who were able to come and join us.
Our October Stated Session was also an in-person meeting, the officers have done an amazing job with their ritualistic work and floor work this year. I could not be prouder of them! During the meeting, I was finally able (on behalf of Isis Temple) to present Jr. Past Queen Cheryl Stader with her beautiful Past Queen’s jewel. JPQ Cheryl was also able to sign the Bible. It was a special moment.
Our St. Louis Hospital Equipment fundraiser has reached over $3,700.00! Ladies, you absolutely rock! That is amazing! Just amazing!
The response to the Card Party by Mail is been terrific! The joker has finally been found…Carolyn Nolte will receive the cash prize of $50!!!!! Congratulations! Ladies, we have raised over $1,700 during this mail-in card party event!
Thank you all so much for all the support during my Queen year! I truly couldn’t do this without knowing all of you are supporting me and standing behind me!
Continue to stay healthy, safe, and positive!
Nile Love,
Casey Wonders, Queen
[email protected]