In the autumn of 1927, a large delegation of Hadi Temple Shriners attended the dedication of Zorah Shrine Temple in Terre Haute, Indiana. Their ladies were invited to attend and were royally entertained by Badoura Temple No. 23, Daughters of the Nile. Entertainment in the homes of these members led to questions about their organization, in which Evansville ladies were, by this time deeply interested. In October of that year, Cora Evans of Badoura Temple, serving as Supreme Deputy Organizer, met 19 interested prospects and began the organization of Isis Temple. She instituted the Temple on November 16, 1927 at which time Eva Weirz was appointed Queen and Hettie Schlueter was named Honorary Queen. On May 18, 1928, Mrs. Evans and the officers of Badoura Temple officiated in the installation of these officers and constituted Isis Temple No. 41. The charter was dated May 6, 1928 and was closed with a membership of 73 ladies.
In 1938, the Isis Temple Patrol was formed with 16 members and the Isis Temple Choir was organized in 1943. By 1946, Isis Temple had grown to 464 members. This was the first year the Annual Card Party was held; the net profit was $435.52, with tickets selling for 74 cents each.
The first public installation of officers was held in 1948, when Mardelle McCormick was installed queen. During this year, Nile Clubs were formed in Princeton, Oakland City and Vincennes. In May 1948, Thelma B. Small, Junior Past Queen of Isis Temple, announced her desire to run for the office of Supreme Princess Badoura. Each member was asked to contribute $10 toward expenses for hosting the Supreme Session in Evansville. In 1951, with Meryam Schaff serving as Queen of Isis Temple, Supreme Session was held in Evansville. Our own, Thelma B. Small was installed Supreme Queen of the Supreme Temple, Daughters of the Nile. The Egyptian Band was organized in 1960 with 21 members, and by 1965, Isis Temple had grown to over 1000 members. By the time of our 50th Anniversary, our membership was over 1,400.
Although we hold various fundraisers for the Convalescent Relief Account and Convalescent Endowment Fund, we also sell hand-made baby quilts, sell concessions at the county fair, and our units are generous with funds from their projects. From our beginning, the Ladies of the Household have always been generous with their monetary contributions, their sewing talents, and their willingness to assist the Shriners at functions for the special children served by their great philanthropy.
In 2003, we celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of Isis Temple, and we are proud of the legacy left by those who had the vision and foresight to form a Temple, Daughters of the Nile, in the Evansville area. If we close our eyes, it is not difficult to picture the 19 ladies who began our Temple; the challenge is to envision what Isis Temple will be 75 years from now. We hope the legacy we leave will be as strong as that which has been given to us.
During the 2010 Supreme Session Isis Temple's Past Queen, Sue Layman, was crowned Supreme Queen of the Daughters of the Nile. A very successful 2010 Supreme Session, Harmony in the Heartland, was held in Indianapolis, IN, hosted by Isis Temple. PSQ Sue continues to serve on many Isis and Supreme Temple committees.
As we get closer to our 100th Anniversary, we are excited to see what the future holds for Isis Temple!