Sickness & Distress Chair: Tamara Hays, Pr. Chaplain Cheryl Stader, PQ Jean Rickard, PQ Nancy Clem Joyce Giolitto Lori Barnett Jan Akers-DuBois, PQ Click here to notify us of a member in need of prayers or counsel. Membership Chair: Meredith Thompson Supreme Queen Visitation Chair: Tina Dobbs, PQ Click here to request information. Ways & Means Chair: Jodi Boettger Casino Night Chair: Tina Dobbs, PQ 4-H Chair: Karla Goff, PQ By-Laws Sue Layman, PSQ Linda Trible, PQ Tina Dobbs, PQ Charitable Giving Chair: Marian Trapp, PQ Newsletter/Website Linda Trible, PQ |
Quilting & Sewing
Chair: Donna Duncan Co-Chair: Judy Peak, PQ Historian/Roster Nancy Markham, PQ Candidate Hosting Gay Graper, PQ Jennifer Emsweller, PQ Budget & Finance Sue Layman, PSQ Gay Graper, PQ Sharon Norvell, PQ Receptions & Decorating Installation - Patrol Christmas Party - Egyptian Band Financial Review Linda Trible, PQ Penny McDonald, PQ Casey Wonders, PQ Hospital Requests Chair: Jodi Boettger Photography: Kathy McKinney Communications Nancy Markham, PQ |