My eventful year as Queen is ending, and I truly want to thank each and every one of you amazing ladies for all the love and support. This past year has not been anywhere close to normal, but we have all continued to be there and support one another as well as learning a few new technical tricks when it comes to Zoom. We have also been able to raise quite a bit of money for the Daughters of the Nile Foundation and our temple this year because of your wonderful donations!
Our January Stated Session and annual memorial service was held via Zoom. We honored 17 ladies we had lost in the course of 2020.
During our February Stated Session, we were able to perform an Obligation-only initiation for our new Princess Sydney Hoben. It was an honor to perform such a duty in front of our temple. During this year, we have brought in 7 new Princesses. Ladies, please continue to bring in those proposals for membership so we can continue to grow and raise monies.
I wish Princess Royal Karla Goff all the best with her coming year, and I know she will do an amazingly wonderful job for our temple. I hope to see you all in person very soon!
Nile Smiles and Love,
Casey Wonders, Queen
[email protected]