Fellow Officers and Ladies of the Household,
I hope this message finds everyone well and enjoying their summer. Supreme Session held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was enjoyed by many of our members. Our very own Pr. Chaplain, Sharon Harbison participated in the Mass Choir providing us with
beautiful songs throughout the entire week. I would like to thank all the Past Queens, Line Officers, Delegates, Patrol Members, and Ladies of the Household that attended with me. My special thanks go to my escorts and banner bearers from the Patrol, our
designated unit. Extra thanks for all my lovely gifts of items, thoughts and let’s not forget the poem about my special dog.
Our trip began with 12 hours of travel, 2 cancelled flights and 3 different air lines. That said we had a great day. When you accept the things you cannot control and embrace those around you, all is right in that moment. The week was full of laughs, bonding with counterparts, developing new relationships, discussion of new legislation, and wonderful unit performances. Sharon St. John was installed as Supreme Queen. She arrived for installation in a chariot led by bagpipes, with an honor guard made up of Masons and Shriners, accompanied by her grandchildren. Some of her goals for the upcoming year are to encourage temples to be filled with kindness for one another, to be understanding and accommodating to those members with children. Supreme Princess Royal was unable to attend however Cathy Carol Rose from Indianapolis, IN was elected and will be installed at a later date. Supreme Princess Tirzah, Karen Keuther from Buffalo, NY and Supreme Princess Badoura, Shirley Henley from Cincinnati, Ohio were installed as well.
Voting Delegates: 1 Supreme Queen, 18 Past Supreme Queens, 123 Queens, 92 Pr. Royal,
63 Pr. Tirzahs, 38 Pr. Badoura, 606 Past Queens, and 166 Ladies of the Household Delegates were in attendance when Supreme Session legislation began.
I was honored to represent Isis Temple No. 41. All Daughters of the Nile Temples contributed over 2.376 million dollars to the Shriners Hospital for Children. Our Temple was recognized for initiating 13 new princesses last year, way to go JPQ Jan Akers-Du Bois. Special congratulations to Past Supreme Queen Sue Layman on being Appointed Chair of the Supreme Temple Finance Committee. We were also honored to have PQ Linda Trible receive the McHenry award, as well as 1 Supreme Appointed Officer; Tiffany Ball, PQ Supreme Lady of the Gates and 2 Supreme Appointments; Nancy Markham, PQ Supreme Temple Public Relations and Membership Committee, Margaret Coomer, PQ Escort to the American Flag. We are very proud of you!
The 2016 Supreme Session will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana June 15-19, 2016. As we are now allowed to have 5 Lady of the Household delegates, I encourage you to be thinking about submitting your name for consideration next year to represent Isis Temple as a delegate. I cannot put into words how exciting it is to attend a Supreme Session. Please consider attending in 2016.
The Summer Card Party, hosted by the Patrol, will be held on July 16, 2015, Hadi 2nd Floor, 4:30pm-7:30pm. Dinner will be available for purchase.
Our 4-H fundraiser will be taking place July 20-25, 2015. Karla Goff, PQ would love to have as many volunteers as possible. If you have never worked this fundraiser, you are missing out on a very good time.
We will be holding our annual BBQ sale in August. Be sure to watch your email for ticket information. Deadline to order will be at the August 19th ceremonial.
We will be holding a Ceremony of Initiation on August 19, 2015 at 6:30pm, Hadi Temple 2nd floor. I would love to see as many of you that are able to attend welcome in our new princess. Unit performances and a small reception will follow.
The next Princeton Nile Club meeting will be held on September 8, 2015 at Rz located in Fort Branch. Please contact Pr. Royal Jennifer Nance if you would like to join us.
The next Stated Session will be September 8, 2015 7:00pm. We will be honoring our Past Queens and any 50 year members. Past Queens, please consider attending and bringing your memory book to share with our members. I so enjoy listening to your stories.
Many of the officers and Past Queens took the opportunity while spending the week together to discuss some exciting ideas for the fall. Be watching for information on some upcoming events to include a family night, adult night and couples night, please be sure to share any of your suggestions for some fun social activities.
Nile love,
Tina Dobbs, Queen
Isis Temple No. 41
(812) 589-7788
[email protected]