It is a great honor, privilege, and responsibility to serve as Queen of Isis Temple No. 41 for the ensuing year. I look forward to a Nile year of fun and fellowship. The Installation on March 20, 2022, was beautiful! Thank you to everyone who participated in the ceremony, and thank you to all who were present with your love and support. Thank you to our Past Supreme Queen, Past Queens, Fellow Officers, and Ladies of the Household for continuing to bring your unique and special gifts to our Temple. “Together we can do great things.” —Mother Teresa
My promise to you is to perform my duty the best I can. I will work collaboratively with you in harmony and trust. We will have fun and good fellowship. We are already busy planning fundraisers and socials. Watch your emails and future newsletters for details. We will work to increase our membership and fill the seats in the Temple each month for Stated Session. We will serve the Supreme Temple with our gifts and talents. We will live well, laugh often, and let love grow with friendship.
Everyone benefits from your sweet charity of generously giving of your resources, time, and talents. Through your hard work and dedication as a valued and respected member of our order, we are making a meaningful difference in the lives of children receiving care at Shriners Children’s™. Our philanthropy is fortunate to havewomen like you working together to advance our sisterhood and transform the lives of children and their families. We are guided by our five virtues that express what we believe about who we are and reflect how we are called to serve.
When your time and abilities permit, I hope to see you at Stated Sessions and our events. Consider joining the Egyptian Band or Patrol. Attend a Princeton Nile Club meeting. These are ways to strengthen friendships and gain emotional connection from our relationships with one another. The flowers of friendship will bloom softly at our feet. In closing, “Let your love be generous. Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly wel-comed angels.” Hebrews 13:1-2
With Nile love and hugs,
Kathy Stewart, Queen